Co-founders profile
Dr. Nigus Asefa is a postdoctoral researcher at the National
Institute on Aging in the United States, focusing on aging
research. He completed his Ph.D. in Genetic Epidemiology in
November 2021 in the Netherlands, with a dissertation titled
"Genetics and Epidemiology of Glaucoma and Myopia." To
enhance his expertise, he attended advanced courses at renowned
institutions, including the University of Washington, Vrije
Universiteit Amsterdam, and Columbia University. He holds an
Advanced Diploma in Reproductive Health and Rights from Lund University, a Master’s degree
in Public Health from Mekelle University in 2014, and a Bachelor’s degree in Pharmacy from
Addis Ababa University in 2007. Dr. Asefa’s research encompasses epidemiology, genetics, aging, and dementia. He possesses
advanced proficiency in statistical software such as SPSS, ASReml, and Stata, as well as
programming languages like R and Python. His expertise includes working with large-scale
datasets from diverse study cohorts, with computational skills spanning observational and
longitudinal data analysis, as well as Genome-Wide and Epigenome-Wide Association Studies
(GWAS and EWAS). As a review editor for Frontiers, he ensures the quality of published
research and has authored a textbook on pharmaceutical formulation, an essential resource for
Ethiopian pharmacy education.
Currently, he is engaged in epigenetic research, exploring how lifestyle and behavioral factors
influence biological aging. He also investigates how prenatal exposure to adverse conditions may
alter late-life DNA methylation patterns, potentially contributing to cognitive decline.
For more details on Dr. Asefa’s ongoing research projects and publications, visit his personal
LinkedIn profile at.